If you are unsure about the coverage of a drug product, please contact the PBM help desk at 1-800-648-0790.

Please file adjustments for claims that may have been incorrectly paid. Only those products of the manufacturers which participate in the Federal Rebate Program will be covered by the Medicaid program. Participation may be verified in Appendix C, available at

Should you have any questions regarding any of the following messages, please contact Gainwell Technologies at (800) 473-2783 or (225) 924-5040.

For information regarding the medication policy and/or criteria associated with this denial, providers may access the Louisiana Medicaid Preferred Drug List (PDL) / Non-Preferred Drug List at


The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) conducts a Payment Error Rate Measurement (PERM) review program on Louisiana Medicaid every three years. PERM is a review developed by CMS to identify payments in the Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance (CHIP) programs that did not comply with policies and statutory requirements. PERM does not investigate fraud in Medicaid and CHIP, and is not a fraud rate.

PERM Reporting Year (RY) 2024 will sample from Medicaid and CHIP payments dated from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. CMS contractors will review randomly selected claims to verify provider service documentation is complete, supports the service billed, and is compliant with Medicaid and CHIP policies and documentation requirements.

If your claims are selected for PERM review, your office will receive a medical records request letter and telephone outreach from the CMS review contractor Empower AI. All selected providers must cooperate with the CMS review contractor.

Providers can reach EmpowerAI at or 1-800-393-3068. Please visit, Provider Tools, Payment Error Rate Measurement (PERM) for more information on securely sending records.

Failure to produce documentation of services provided to Medicaid beneficiaries will result in monetary recoveries for undocumented services. Providers must maintain all medical, fiscal, professional and business records for services provided to Medicaid recipients for at least five years from the date of service, even if the provider has closed.

Upon closure, providers must maintain all records, including electronic records, according to applicable laws, regulations and retention requirements. The closing provider must notify LDH of the location records will be stored, and contact information of the records custodian. Providers can report agency closure to Gainwell Provider Enrollment at or 225-216-6370.

For questions about PERM, providers may contact Toni Prine, project manager for Louisiana Medicaid’s PERM program, with Myers and Stauffer LC at or 512-770-4237.

Attention Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Providers

9/20/23 UPDATE: Effective date will be October 28, 2023.

Effective with dates of service on or after October 1, 2023 October 28, 2023, the below diabetic supplies and equipment will be reimbursable as a pharmacy benefit, as well as a durable medical equipment service. For dates of service on or after December 1, 2023, diabetic supplies and equipment will be reimbursed as a pharmacy benefit ONLY. Durable Medical Equipment (DME) claims will deny..

  • Diabetes Glucose Meters
  • Diabetic Test Strips
  • Continuous Glucose meters
  • Transmitters and Sensors
  • External Insulin Pumpsi.e. Omnipod and V-Go
  • Control Solution
  • Ketone test strips
  • Lancets and Devices
  • Pen Needles
  • Re-usable insulin pens
  • Syringes

The Pharmacy and DME provider manuals will be updated to reflect this change, as well as the DMEPOS fee schedule and the Single PDL.

Questions regarding this message and fee for service claims should be directed to Gainwell Technologies Provider Relations at (800) 473‐2783 or (225) 924‐5040.

Questions regarding managed care claims should be directed to the appropriate managed care organization.