If you are unsure about the coverage of a drug product, please contact the PBM help desk at 1-800-648-0790.

Please file adjustments for claims that may have been incorrectly paid. Only those products of the manufacturers which participate in the Federal Rebate Program will be covered by the Medicaid program. Participation may be verified in Appendix C, available at

Should you have any questions regarding any of the following messages, please contact Molina Medicaid Solutions at (800) 473-2783 or (225) 924-5040.

Attention Ordering Providers and Providers of Laboratory Services

Effective for dates of service on or after July 1, 2019, Louisiana Medicaid has adopted the following changes to the coverage of Urine Drug Testing:

  • Presumptive drug testing is limited to 24 total tests per member per calendar year. Providers are to consider the methodology used when selecting the appropriate procedure code for the presumptive testing

  • Definitive drug testing is limited to 18 total tests per member per calendar year. CPT codes 80320-80377 for individual substance(s) or metabolites will no longer be covered. Providers should instead use HCPCS codes G0480 (Drug tests, definitive…per day 1-7 drug class(es), including metabolite(s) if performed) or G0481 (Drug tests, definitive…per day, 8-14 drug class(es), including metabolite(s) if performed) or their successors.

Testing more than fourteen definitive drug classes per day is not reimbursable.

No more than one presumptive and one definitive test will be reimbursed per day per recipient, from the same or different provider.

Information regarding this policy is forthcoming and will be found on under the Provider Manuals link, within the Professional Services and Independent Laboratory Services manuals. Fee schedules will be updated accordingly and can be found at the appropriate link on

Questions regarding this message and fee for service claims should be directed to DXC Technology Provider Relations at (800) 473-2783 or (225) 924-5040. Questions regarding managed care claims should be directed to the appropriate Managed Care Organization.

Attention Providers of Laboratory Services

Effective for dates of service on or after August 1, 2019, Louisiana Medicaid will require all providers to include a valid Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) number on all claims submitted for laboratory services. Claims submitted with an absent, incorrect or invalid CLIA number will deny.

For claims submitted using the CMS-1500 form, the CLIA number will be required in block 23. Providers should refer to the CMS 1500 Billing Instructions under the Billing Information link at, where complete instructions will be provided.

Information regarding this policy change is forthcoming and will be found on under the Provider Manuals link, within the Professional Services and Independent Laboratory manuals.

Questions regarding this message and fee for service claims should be directed to DXC Technology Provider Relations at (800) 473-2783 or (225) 924-5040. Questions regarding managed care claims should be directed to the appropriate Managed Care Organization.