The Medicaid Eligibility Verification System (MEVS) is an
electronic system used to verify recipient Medicaid eligibility. This electronic verification process will provide date specific
eligibility which will help reduce claim denials related to eligibility. It can
help to eliminate Medicaid fraud.
MEVS is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except for a short maintenance
window each week. MEVS provides Medicaid
providers with easy and immediate access to current Medicaid recipient
eligibility information.
MEVS allows a provider to retrieve a printable verification of:
- Recipient Medicaid eligibility
- Health Plan linkages
- Third party insurance resources
- Service limits and restrictions
- Lock-In information
MEVS can be accessed by any of these methods:
- Internet access using the Gainwell Technologies e-MEVS application;
- Internet access (which may incorporate ‘swipe card devices’) through the following approved vendors: Emdeon Business Services, HealthNet Data Link, Healthcare Data
Exchange, Passport Health Communications and Dorado Systems LLC;
- Batch file submission using the procedures outlined in the 270 Batch MEVS Companion Guide.
Providers may access recipient eligibility by using the following
pieces of information
- Sixteen-digit card control number and recipient’s 8-digit birth date or social security number;
- Thirteen-digit Medicaid ID number and recipient’s 8-digit birth date or social security number;
Or any twoof the following pieces of information:
- Recipient social security number;
- Recipient name;
- Recipient 8-digit birth date;
Providers can verify eligibility and
service limits for a Medicaid recipient using a web application accessed through this web
site ( This application provides eligibility verification capability as an alternative
to MEVS vendor transactions and REVS (voice eligibility verification).
An eligibility request can be entered
via the web for an individual recipient and the Medicaid eligibility profile for
that individual will be returned on a web page response.
To ensure the
security of recipient and provider information the Provider Applications Area is
a secure portal and is available to Louisiana Medicaid providers only. It is the
responsibility of each Medicaid provider to register and obtain a login and
password for this area of this website to access the applications that are
contained herein. Select the Registration directory link on the Home page to register.
eMEVS Print Format Update 3/1/12
MEVS access is provided through
contracts with approved "switch vendors" who will be responsible for provision
of the magnetic card reader, PC software, or computer terminal necessary to
access this system. Fees will be dependent on the type of services selected. All fees are the responsibility of the provider. Providers are cautioned to be
certain they are contracting with an approved vendor.
The listed vendors are available for
calls about their products and options for accessing MEVS by the Medicaid
provider community. Providers will be notified of any changes to the list of
vendors through Remittance Advice messages, Provider Update articles, and on
this website. on
this website.
Batch 270/271 Eligibility Transactions
Submitters may choose to use the
Gainwell Technologies Batch 270/271 submission process which allows submitters to inquire on
eligibility for multiple recipients at one time. If a submitter elects to use the application, Gainwell Technologies will charge the
submitter for the usage. Submitters must be pre-approved for use of this
application, and the application charges are subject to change with appropriate
approval of the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals and proper advanced
notification to the participating submitter.
Providers interested in enrolling for
this application should contact:
Contact: Help Desk
Telephone: 1-877-598-8753
MEVS Disclaimer Message
Enrollment into a Louisiana Medicaid managed care plan may be prospective, and a recipient’s eligibility for coverage under a Plan may be subject to change. Therefore, to ensure that
you are using accurate and up-to-date eligibility information, it is your responsibility to re-check eligibility status with e-MEVS or your MEVS vendor prior to and on
the date of service. If you fail to do so, and if you consequently provide services to a recipient who is ineligible on the date of service, you will not be paid for
those services.