Welcome to the Louisiana Medicaid Electronic Health
Records (EHR) Incentive Payment Program
This program provides incentive payments to Eligible Professionals (EPs),
Eligible Hospitals (EHs), and Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) who
have adopted (acquired and installed), implemented (trained staff,
deployed tools, exchanged data), and/or upgraded (expanded
functionality or interoperability)
certified EHR technology
for Year 1 AIU participation and demonstrate Meaningful Use
(MU) for up to five remaining participation years.
The purpose of the program is to improve outcomes, facilitate
access, simplify care, and reduce costs of health care nationwide
Eligible Providers must follow the below steps for registration:
Eligible Providers
must first register with CMS. For
more information, click
Once you have completed
the registration with CMS, you will be directed back to the state in
which you elect to receive incentive payments.
Those providers electing to receive incentives from Louisiana
Medicaid will receive an email from our EHR Staff providing further
The email contains the
below listed forms for completion and return to Louisiana Medicaid:
EHR Incentives Application and Attestation (for EPs and EHs);
Patient Volume Worksheet (for EPs and EHs);
Hospital Payment Calculations Worksheet (EH only); and
Incentive Payment Attestation (for EPs).
In addition to submitting
these completed worksheets to demonstrate program eligibility, you
will also be required to submit the following supporting
documentation for audit purposes:
Annual cost reports (EH only); and
Documentation regarding the EHR system acquired
(contract, sales receipt, or invoice) (for EPs and EHs).
Once the submitted documents are reviewed, you
will receive an email advising you of the disposition of the
EHR Incentive payments are made to EPs based
on the information contained in the payment attestation.
If this information matches your payname
field and account number on the Louisiana Medicaid Provider
Enrollment File, payment will be made by Electronic Funds Transfer
If the information does not match, you
will be issued a paper check based on the payee information in the
payment attestation.
EHR Incentive payments are made to EHs based
on the information contained in their payname field and account
number on the Louisiana Medicaid Provider Enrollment File by
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) if applicable or paper check.
Louisiana Medicaid Enrolled Providers are
encouraged to keep your Provider Enrollment File information
current, including payname, address and account numbers. You may contact Provider Enrollment at
Please visit these helpful links for more
information and stay tuned to
www.lamedicaid.com for additional state-specific information:
Path to
Payment, click
Incentive eligibility, click
List of
Certified EHR Technology (CHPL), click
Asked Questions (FAQs), click
Interactive flow chart to help Eligible Professionals (EPs)
determine eligibility for the EHR Incentive Program, click
on the certification process for EHR technology, click
Information on the Regional Extension Center (REC) for Louisiana
– the Louisiana Health Information Technology (LHIT) Resource
Center - click